Not sure what I want to write.... feel a bit stuck. Lost. having trouble starting things or just doing things. All my get up and go seems to have got up and gone!
I guess I'm down about not securing myself a new job for the start of the new year! It was my aim and I had an interview but didn't get it.(The Man did!- but we've done that post!)
We're not going away again this year, as things are pretty tight. Not that I'm that bothered really as we had such a wonderful last year.
I guess it's related to not having something to look forward to... and so I'm becoming inward looking again which is never a good thing. The nagging voice in my head says "start writing your book" but then the inner critic, headmaster as Jim Lawless would say "YOU?! Write a book? Now there's a laugh. "
Part of me feels that I could do it whilst the other side of me is scared to start- "What if I put in all that effort and it's not good enough?" (I should go into song writing and write this as a song as it could be the sound track of my life!!)

Where does this come from? Why do I always do this?
I think it comes from my inner perfectionist. Don't get me wrong I'm not one of these people who has to get everything right or perfect but there is definitely a voice who is forever talking about what I SHOULD DO and this puts me under pressure.
I tend to think about things as good or bad; wrong or right- bit black and white, I admit.So I think about the fact that I could only write a few 100 words so there's no point. Where as actually, if a did a bit each day, it would soon mount up.
I'm one for rules. I think that goes back to up bringing. I don't remember having hard and fast rules as a child. When I think back, it was a bit inconsistent which is probably why I impose my own rules. I know as a teacher of primary age children, they need clear boundaries and feel secure with familiar routines. So I'm guessing that's why I follow rules in a way. But my Dad was quite controlling so additional to my desire to obey rules I HATE being told what to do and will "cut my nose off to spite my face"!
"I should have go this sorted by now!" see, there's that critic, again.
I guess I should devise my own guidelines to replace the inner critics 'shoulds'.When I took charge last summer things really changed- I need to take charge and de-clutter myself, just like I did with my house last year! I can chose!

What did Taming tigers teach me about the Headmaster? ACTION!
Another thing I do is that I'm very reluctant to ask for help. Don't know where this comes from, but I see it in my classroom. Girls don't ask for help for fear of looking foolish! And I'm just the same. WHY? Aren't I the one who says to my pupils there's no such thing as a stupid question?
Teacher, TEACH yourself!!

I seem to be attributing a lot of how I act and feel to being a girl! Maybe I need to come up with a new way of raising strong girls and try it out on myself....
- De-clutter my rules and list of 'SHOULDS'
- Decide on my own set of guidelines
- Write a few words on my book and just get going.
- Contemplate how I can overcome my upbringing and develop myself into a 'strong woman'.