Wednesday, 12 August 2015

It's been a long 8 months...

It's been a long time since I posted on here. I started a new job in January and therefore I haven't been able to post as regularly as I would have liked- My apologies!

YES- I did it! I got a new job! Something I've been working towards for a while now!

BUT, Schools out for summer so I'm back.

The last 7 months have been very tricky for me. I moved schools and became Assistant Headteacher. It should have been an exciting time but it's been quite stressful. My employers haven't been great, for a variety of reasons. However, having come through it, I've learnt that I'm made of 'tough stuff' (thanks IVF you did me some good in the end) and I'm actually really good at my job, and I do know what I'm talking about.

With me being at a new school, I have stayed in contact with friends from my last school. This has been invaluable to me. The support that I have gained has got me through the last six months.

Anyway, I'm back I'm here and to be honest the distance has enabled me to gain some perspective.

Not that long ago I was struggling to come to terms with my childlessness. Don't get me wrong I'm not fully over it but I'm feeling that I an coming to terms with it. It feels like a metaphorical scar. It's always there but it doesn't hurt as much however sometimes it aches. Sometimes I forget it's there until I catch a glimpse of it and the memories flood back into my brain. Some days it really hurts but less than it used to.

How did I get to this point?

Good question!

Time, hard work and the love of a good man. Simple, but true.

Time's true, it really helps the healing process. But I wouldn't have got here if I'd just left it to time.

HARD WORK ...What do I mean?

Working through the grief. It is a real grieving process. And I've worked myself through the different stages. Am I at the end? I don't know if I'm honest but I'm definitely moving forwards.

The older I get and the further along I move the more I realise that it's a journey not a destination.
You have to reflect and learn.

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