Been thinking a lot about the battle of the sexes after my latest interview.
In fact for the last 6 interviews the male candidate has always got the job.
In primary teaching, I understand the need to get more men into schools. Boys and girls are growing up without positive male role models. But unfortunately they aren't staying in the classroom and at grass root level they are being promoted into leadership positions. I'm not saying this is wrong- I just feel the foot print of the men as they clamber over the top of me into the leadership positions.
It's caused me to think about how men and women are perceived. What I mean is how men are instantly thought out as being strong and having leadership skills, whereas women are expected to be nurturing and empathetic. But we're not all the same! So think about a strong woman, a woman with good leadership skills..... do we use those adjectives? Or do we use something else?
This got me thinking about how we nurture and develop children. As a primary school teacher I have first hand experience of children who are developing their personality. When I think of certain girls in my class they are good at organising themselves and others, good leadership skills one might say but often they are described by others, adults and children a like as 'bossy'.

We do expect, and attribute, certain behaviours to girls and boys and men and women. We condition children right from the word go!
So how do I get that job and not have those negative connotations attributed to me.
How do I become the BEST person for the job and outshine the men?
Not sure........yet!
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