One of my goals was to get a new job. (Don't get excited- I haven't manged it -YET!) I used the tools around me and spoke to a local headteacher. I've constantly challenged my rule book and I'm making progress.
I went to visit a school, it was a larger school than I'm used to but it sounded like a good opportunity to see how I coped going and visiting and talking the the head. I was much more confident than I realised that I could be. I asked intelligent questions and pushed the headteacher on his vision and his theories. It turns out that it wasn't going to somewhere that I could really make a difference and he wasn't really the kind of head that I could have worked with. But I could see this for myself. Previously, I wouldn't even have visited the school because I wouldn't have deemed myself not good enough!! - where as it turned out that the school experience on offer, wouldn't have been good enough for me! Now that's progress!!
However, I have been and seen another school who have been through a bit of a rough patch. They have a new head and are looking for a new deputy. When I went to see the school, I could see the things that I could offer. I could see that I could make a positive contribution. The head seemed enthusiastic and switched on. So I have applied and have been asked to attend an interview.This week!
Yesterday as I was preparing for interview questions and answers, I had an Epiphany. Last summer my husband, who is a systems analyst by trade, explained the principles of systems and how systems can be applied to any walk of life; by thinking in this way you can devise a solution to any problem. At first it was just a jumble of words but then I began to understand it. I was able to see how 'input-process-output' could be applied to a range of situations. He also explained how to create a system and a process by starting at the output- what or where did we want to achieve or end up? By starting here you can then work back and devise a process for getting there.
Having read Jim's amazing tigers book and a another amazing book by Andrew Cope called 'Being Brilliant'.

So what I'm saying is that I'm feeling confident because I now have a clear structure to structure my answers so I don't have to learn and remember everything verbatim.
Looking at the information I've been sent regarding the interview they just seem to be going through the process. They don't seem to be trying very hard to find the best person by putting us thorough our paces for example there is no presentation and only a small group teaching task. This might mean that they've already got someone ear marked for the job, again! However, I'm using this as an opportunity to test out my theory that I can answer questions using the structure and feel confident. I can only try my best and if this is the case it will be a warm up for the next interview.
We'll just have to wait and see! Watch this space!
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